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Skin problems are common in both dogs and cats. These disorders can stem from various causes, including hormonal imbalances, allergies, infections, or hormonal imbalances.


Skin problems are common in both dogs and cats. These disorders can stem from various causes, including hormonal imbalances, allergies, infections, or hormonal imbalances.

These conditions can be challenging to treat and require prompt attention.

In many cases, we can diagnose a skin issue by examining your pet. However, some dermatologic conditions may necessitate additional diagnostic tests to ensure an accurate diagnosis. Depending on your pet’s symptoms and the findings from our physical exam, we may need to conduct blood work, urinalysis, skin scraping, or biopsies.

If you notice your dog or cat scratching excessively or developing bare patches, scabs, scaling, redness, inflammation, lumps, or bumps, please contact us immediately. Early diagnosis and treatment are key to managing skin conditions effectively.

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Cat and Dog

Whether you need a prompt appointment with our Veterinary Urgent Care or a routine wellness visit, you can easily schedule your appointment online below or give us a call.


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