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Behavioral Counseling

Whether your pet is displaying aggressive, fearful, or other inappropriate behaviors, our experienced team can develop a treatment plan with you to address behavior issues effectively.

behavior, dog behavior, cat behavior

Behavioral Counseling

Whether your pet is displaying aggressive, fearful, or other inappropriate behaviors, our experienced team can develop a treatment plan with you to address behavior issues effectively.

Many behavioral problems in dogs and cats can be improved through specialized techniques such as desensitization and counter-conditioning. Desensitization involves gradually exposing your pet to the situations or stimuli that trigger their unwanted behavior, while counter-conditioning aims to replace negative responses with positive ones. When applied correctly, these methods can lead to significant and lasting improvements in your pet’s behavior.

In some cases, medication may also be beneficial in managing behavioral issues, especially when combined with behavioral modification techniques. Our expert can assess your pet’s specific needs and recommend the most effective treatment plan.

Don’t hesitate to contact us to schedule an appointment with our behavioral specialist. We’re committed to helping you and your pet achieve a harmonious and enjoyable relationship.

Schedule Your Pet's Appointment Today

Cat and Dog

Whether you need a prompt appointment with our Veterinary Urgent Care or a routine wellness visit, you can easily schedule your appointment online below or give us a call.


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